It is easy to say, “I believe life has meaning.” In the case of Christianity, you hear people saying all the time that they believe in Jesus. Even in a century of apparent decline for the church, 83% of Americans say they are Christians!

It is different to really believe. There is a disconnect between what we say and what is a core to who we are.

It is like me wanting to quit smoking for a whole decade, but not doing it. Nonsmokers could see I didn’t want to, but strangely I could not. (I got mad and told them they didn’t understand addiction). It was only after I quit smoking that the parts of me that wanted to keep smoking and had been holding me back, became apparent.

That is the clearest sign you don’t have faith: when what you say and what your do don’t jive.

There are things only true faith can supply. I know they seem extreme, but believing is not as easy as saying you believe.

Things that  Show You Have Faith

  1. What other people are thinking does not guide your decisions. You are guided by intuition and love.
  2. You feel peace even in anxious times. The external circumstances of the world cannot drive you.
  3. You don’t overthink. A basic plan is normal, but constant analyses shows lack of trust.
  4. You have no desire. Cravings and luxury hold absolutely no sway on you.

To be clear, faith doesn’t mean you have these in totality. Even saints and sages can’t claim to have this, but at the very least you have touched these things and as you keep touching them they supply more faith.

A fifth point may be that you can also recognize those saints and sages. They are not always as you think they should be! People with faith exist in all walks of life. They just seem more free and in my experience, they have more energy.

If these 4 (technically 6) things seem foreign to you, there is endless wisdom to get you there. However, I can only give what has worked for me, which won’t help you.

The best I can give you is the most common advice. Surrender yourself. If your brain still reels and you feel no peace, give up more, and more, and more. Look again at that list of four. Which of those things can you have while still believing that you are number one?

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